August 4, 2021 Weekly Update Someone recently introduced me to the term “Angry August.” I’ve never heard of it before, and I didn’t know...
July 28, 2021 Weekly Update This week I received an email from the chaplain of North Valley Hospital that started with a quote. “Jeny, are there groups of church...
July 21, 2021 Weekly Update Greetings friends! For the last two weeks, Valerie and I have had ten friends in our home. Now their visits were staggered and overlapping,...
July 14, 2021 Weekly Update I hope you are hitting your summer stride and enjoying the sunshine, even if the air is hazy with wildfire smoke! Like me, maybe you’ve...
June 30, 2021 Weekly Update Hi friends! A couple weeks ago I had the privilege to spend a few nights backpacking around Kintla and Upper Kintla Lake with a dear...
June 23, 2021 Weekly Update Hi friends! It’s VBS week! This week our church has once again partnered with Our Savior’s Lutheran church to host Vacation...
June 9, 2021 Weekly Update Hi friends! We’re seeing a lot of rain and wet weather this week, and it’s a good thing for our valley, our gardens, and our flowers....
May 26, 2021 Weekly Update Hello church! I saw this headline recently and photo above that got me thinking. Texas construction workers doing work in a neighborhood...
May 19, 20201 Weekly Update Hello church! This coming Sunday is Pentecost Sunday, a time when we celebrate the gift of God’s Spirit given to God’s people to guide...