November 17, 2021 Weekly Update My family and I spent last week visiting family in Indianapolis. One night after enjoying delicious local ice cream, I noticed a...
November 3, 2021 Weekly Update This Sunday we will gather for worship and mark two important moments in the life of our church. We will remember and celebrate the people...
October 13, 2021 Weekly Update This week our Lay Leader Nancy Flint offers her reflections on our second Core Value for this coming Sunday: The Leadership Team and...
October 6, 2021 Weekly Update Yesterday I read a local news article that mentioned the critical need for blood in our community hospitals following the recent...
Sept 29, 2021 Weekly Update For several weeks I’ve passed this community of sunflowers just a few blocks from the church. They always make me smile. Some are...
Sept 22, 2021 Weekly Update Today I saw this cool story that I wanted to share with you. Today is Betty Reid Soskin’s 100th birthday. Why is that so special? Turning...
Sept 15, 2021 Weekly Update Happy Wednesday friends! As many of you now, our house caught COVID last week, and we have been in isolation and quarantine ever since....
Sept 8, 2021 Weekly Update 9.8.21 Weekly Update This Saturday is the 20th anniversary of September 11, 2001. The terrorist attacks of that day tragically took...
August 18, 2021 Weekly Update It’s been hard to miss the international and local headlines hitting the news over the last week or two. We’ve witnessed wildfires...