September 11, 2024 Weekly Update

Jared   -  


This Sunday we’re going to learn about getting messy! To outsiders, church often feels like a very clean and tidy place, with perfect people who live perfect lives. Now, we know that’s not true, but it is often the perception! We DO live lives that are imperfect and challenging, and our church is a place of support and care. But what if the way we think of church isn’t the only way to “do” church? On a Sunday morning, with a little standing and singing, week in and week out? What if there is another way to nurture Christian community and build discipleship relationships for children, families, and all generations?

This week we begin a new five-week worship series all about Messy Church – what is it, why is it church, and how does it work. A small group in our congregation has been studying Messy Church all summer. They are ready to move forward with launching this ministry in 2025. Through our study, we’ve realized that Messy Church isn’t just a program, or an activity – it’s an actual ‘church,’ and we need as many folks as possible from Columbia Falls UMC to help us launch this new effort to connect with children and families in our community.

So come this Sunday as we reflect on what makes church “church” and how Messy Church might be a healthy Christian community for folks who are looking for something different!

See you in person or online at 11am!


Pastor Jared