June 21, 2023 Weekly Update
Greetings church!
This week our congregation and Our Savior’s Lutheran church are partnered once again to offer Christian ministry to children in our churches and community. Our theme is “Compassion” this week. Each night we are focused on Bible stories and activities that help us learn compassion for our neighbors, our selves, and the world.
The kids painted almost 80 flower pots for dining tables at the Veteran’s Home, Timber Creek, and the Bee Hive. They also decorated two large flower pots for a new Syrian family that has settled in the valley thanks to our friends at Valley Neighbors. Our mission team secured a $500 grant from our annual conference to support this refugee family, and is matching that grant with another $500 to help Valley Neighbors pay the rent during the first year.
The children will fill their painted pots with flowers on the last night of Kids Camp, learning about creation while sharing compassion with our neighbors!
Twenty-five children are participating, and dinner the first night included their families and all our volunteers – over 60 folks total! Thank you to everyone who is helping this week – donating items, cooking, cleaning, helping with crafts and yoga. It is a team effort. The children are having a memorable week because of your care and love. Thank you!
Grace & Peace,
Pastor Jared