February 26, 2025 Midweek News
Last Sunday, clergy and members of over thirteen religious faiths and Christian denominations gathered at Northridge Lutheran in Kalispell to stand in solidarity with our immigrant neighbors and pray for their lives and their families. Over 60 people gathered to sing, pray, and hear scriptures from the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament, and the Quran.
Many people assume from headlines that new immigration policies are only targeting undocumented immigrants in the U.S. But that’s only half the story. Police and ICE are pulling over and arresting legal immigrants and U.S. citizens who don’t look like the typical “American.” Faith communities and sacred spaces are being threatened. Immigrants in the Flathead Valley are scared to go to the grocery store, show up for work, or send their children to school. Legal immigrants with work permits and special statuses are having their legal statuses revoked or threatened. People who face violence and oppression in their home countries like Venezuela and Haiti and are here legally may lose their status overnight at the whim of the executive branch, making them “illegal” in a heartbeat.
The prayer vigil offered faithful people a chance to pray for our immigrant neighbors while demonstrating a posture of compassion instead of judgment. We heard important updates from non-profit leaders at Valley Neighbors. A free will offering raised $1000 for Valley neighbors so that they can continue their work of helping migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers feel safe and secure as they navigate immigration processes.
As Christians, we read scriptures about the Hebrews fleeing to Egypt for food and a future, and baby Jesus fleeing Israel with Mary and Joseph to escape persecution. Many of our ancestors were once migrants. Immigration is a complex political reality, but as Christians, we have the chance to help humanize the conversation so that our most vulnerable neighbors are safe from harm.
Looking for other ways to get involved? Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Kalispell is hosting a Know Your Rights workshop on Sunday March 2 at 4pm with a meal. You can come to learn from experts about immigration rights, meet neighbors in the community, volunteer as a driver for others, or donate toward the meal. Email Becca at rashaneyfelt@gmail.com or speak to me.
Pastor Jared