January 2025 Newsletter – Pastor’s Page

Jared   -  

As we arrive at the threshold of a new year, we are reminded of God’s timeless promise in Isaiah 43:19: “I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth; do you not perceive it?”

This passage invites us to enter the New Year with a spirit of renewal and anticipation as we await the unfolding of God’s plans in our lives. We are fresh off our Advent series, “Words for the Beginning.” The topics from the previous weeks, like ‘Don’t Forget to Laugh’ and ‘We Can’t Go Alone’ and ‘Do the Good that is Yours to Do,” are faithful reminders for us as we begin the journey.

The year ahead will include experimenting with a new Fresh Expression Ministry called “Messy Church.” We will offer church in a new way to meet new people and connect with Jesus. The year ahead will include a new partnership with a daycare renting space from the church. Flathead Childcare will open their second location in our church in January!

The next twelve months will also reveal normal rhythms and activities for us – things like holy days of Easter and Lent, music ensembles, gatherings of family and friends for special occasions and holidays, doctor appointments, school schedules, and more. How might we seek or share God’s presence within the “normal” we expect?

In 2025, let us commit to being attentive to the ‘new thing’ God is doing among us, nurturing our faith and strengthening our community. May we embrace the opportunities that come with change and face the future with courage and hope. Let this year be a testament to the power of our faith and the depth of God’s love among us and within us.


New Year Blessings,
Pastor Jared