July 10, 2024 Weekly Update

Jared   -  

Do you like a good summer book? You know, a good paperback with a storyline that’s a little bit light, a little bit unbelievable, a little bit too dramatic? Something you enjoy reading at the beach or the lake, but you’re not too invested or too attached?

When I think about a character from the Bible who resonates with a “summer beach read” I think about King David.  There is something dynamic about David, something compelling and yet something disturbing about the life that he leads and the choices that he makes (good choices and not so good choices!).

You can’t help but wonder why David is considered a “man after God’s own heart” (I Samuel 13:14). Clearly, it wasn’t because David was perfect and always did things the right way. So, how do we understand such a description, and how does Solomon, his son, carry on this legacy? There are many lenses through which we might understand what it means to be a person after God’s heart.

In this series, I invite you to consider that, for David, worship was life. In July and August, we will spend time reflecting on our worship through the stories and legacies of King David and King Solomon. What can these ancient Kings tell us about living a life a of joy and worship? Join us this Sunday as we begin by focusing on “Worship with Rejoicing.”




Pastor Jared