June 2024 Newsletter – Pastor’s Page

Jared   -  

Hello Church!

June is the month that we turn the page from spring to summer and lean into the warm, sunny days we so often miss during other times of the year. Will you spend time on the river this month? Or take a hike on a trail? Will you gather for a picnic or BBQ with family and friends? Will you spend late nights on the porch gazing at the stars?

Almost every month, I see a new headline or news article reminding readers about the benefits of spending time outdoors. Being in nature helps calm our nervous systems and regulate emotional and mental health. Exposure to “green spaces” can also help reduce risks of disease, lower blood pressure, and improve sleep. Sign me up!

For Christians, spending time in nature also helps us remember our creator and connect with God. Psalm 24: 1-2 says, “The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it, for God has founded it on the seas
and established it on the rivers.” May our beautiful surroundings remind us of God’s good gifts in our lives and embolden us to steward those gifts with love and care.

We’ll be gathering on warmer days this June in several ways. On Saturday June 8, our church will combine efforts with Whitefish UMC and host a booth at Flathead Pride from 11am-3pm. It’s a great way to meet members of our community and show them the affirming and supportive love of our churches. Let me know if you’d like to help host the booth!

Summer camps kick off at Flathead Lake United Methodist Camp. For generations, camp has been a place of renewal and transformation. I’m praying for the young people of our congregation and community who will attend in late June and July.

United Methodists from across our conference will gather in Casper, WY for our Mountain Sky Annual Conference from June 20-23. Annual Conference is a time of worship, sacred business, mission activity, and renewing our connection as 300 + congregations across Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, and Colorado! We will celebrate the many great things that took place at General Conference in May, and honor our Bishop, Karen Oliveto, as she prepares to retire at the end of August.

As we gather and connect this month, I look forward to seeing you!


Pastor Jared