November 22, 2023 Weekly Update
Last night we celebrated Thanksgiving Worship with our friends from Our Savior’s Lutheran church. The choirs, fellowship, and communion were wonderful. If you missed it, visit OSL’s YouTube page here:
I’m grateful for Pastor Wendy offering her message for worship at CFUMC last Sunday. I had a delightful time sharing about our conference’s East Angola Mission Trip at Bigfork UMC. Bigfork will be supporting the Pastor’s Salary Supplement program in East Angola this year, so the joy and care of our covenant is growing and deepening. I look forward to being back in worship with you all this coming Sunday.
As you gather around your Thanksgiving tables and meals this week, remember these ancient words from Psalm 107 in the image above. These words invite us to give thanks to God, who by the power of God’s love, as gathered God’s beloved people from across all the earth.
Thanksgiving blessings,
Pastor Jared