November 2023 Newsletter – Pastor’s Page
The month of November is also a month of thanksgiving and gratitude. Those themes integrate so well with our stewardship series this year entitled “Living Gratitude.” Amidst the noise of violence, war, and politics as usual, our devotional series brings me joy and a moment of deep, meaningful reflection each day. I hope the same is true for you. There is holy power in the spiritual practice of gratitude.
On November 5th, we will express our gratitude to God for the Christian Saints who have passed away among us over the last year. All Saints Sunday is an ancient tradition in the church. It helps us remember that we are connected to a ‘great cloud of witnesses’ and saints of the faith in eternal life. If you have loved ones or close friends who have died in the last year, please let the office know so we can have a candle ready to light for them during worship.
On November 12th, we will consecrate our financial pledge commitments for the year 2024. While we have diversified our sources of revenue by renting the church parsonage and renting out building space to a community daycare, the bulk of our ministry budget comes from your gifts and tithes. Please take a moment to read the letter that came with your pledge card detailing our stewardship theme and the opportunity to make a pledge as the church forms its budget for 2024. Every pledge is important. You can also pledge online here:
On November 19th, I will participate in a pulpit exchange with Pastor Wendy Ochs from Bigfork Community UMC. I will preach in Bigfork and share the story of our East Angola Mission trip, and Pastor Wendy will preach at our congregation. Wendy is a wonderful pastor and gifted preacher. You will be blessed by her message.
Finally, on November 21 we will join Our Savior’s Lutheran at their church for our annual Thanksgiving Worship Service at 7pm. Come for a time of thanksgiving, worship, and delicious pie!
May we continue to grow in faith and love along this journey of gratitude together!
Pastor Jared